who really needs to go to a recording studio in 2025?

This is a totally valid view - you can definitely just record at home, we get it. Why are we collecting and maintaining obscure analog electronics in 2025? It really boils down to this -  the digital revolution has provided parity across most recording facilities, be it a traditional Los Angeles recording studio or a Macbook Pro - you have access to emulations of all of the world's finest equipment at all times - but what about everything else that didn’t break through the mainstream recording industry and end up as a digital model? What about the forgotten gems? We celebrate the “un-modeled”, the equipment that time has forgotten.

“Whatever you now find weird, ugly, uncomfortable and nasty about a new medium will surely become its signature. It’s the sound of failure: so much modern art is the sound of things going out of control, of a medium pushing to its limits and breaking apart. The distorted guitar sound is the sound of something too loud for the medium supposed to carry it. The excitement of grainy film, of bleached-out black and white, is the excitement of witnessing events too momentous for the medium assigned to record them.”

- Brian Eno

We strive to curate an environment rich for creative exploration. The concept of “play” is so often forgotten as more and more often we're expected to produce creative works within rigid systems of acceptable use and “industry standards”. We aim to enable our clients to step outside of these systems as much or as little as they want while working to produce excellent technical  recordings we can all be proud of.

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